Thursday, February 25, 2021


Turns out the second dose of the vaccine was...actually not that bad.

Despite reports that side effects could be flu-like, and uncomfortable for a couple days, I got off pretty lucky after receiving my second Covid-19 vaccine (Pfizer) through my work on February 9. Did I get a fever? Well, the next morning I checked and was 100.8 degrees--but I didn't even feel the usual eye pain that typically comes with fevers for me. Did I get chills? I was certainly freezing that night (more so than usual), but layers of clothes and cuddling up to my husband helped me get through it. The most uncomfortable thing for me was really some slight muscle aches the next day that felt a little like restless leg syndrome, but it was gone by the end of the day. Oh, and I was a little tired. But that could also have been because my son was going through a sleep regression and kept waking up all night long. 

My colleagues' reactions were hit and miss. Some felt perfectly fine the next day. Others had aches and chills so badly they couldn't sleep and had to call out sick. Some got a fever but were still able to work. Every experience really is unique. But everyone I've heard from who got the vaccine don't regret it. Even with severe symptoms, they go away quickly. Instead of the darkness of Covid fears, there is light.

So mostly I've been feeling relief, and then getting nervous that if I let my guard down too much something will go wrong. The CDC does recommend continued mask wearing, social distancing, and other safety precautions even after you're vaccinated since we still don't know if vaccinated individuals can spread the disease. We just know we're unlikely to get severely ill from it.

Thus, so far, my life has only changed in small ways--though I can feel bigger, better changes on the horizon. Right before my husband's birthday, I dared to enter his favorite donut shop and pick out a dozen donuts since my usual delivery and curbside pickup locations don't have such delicious treats. I actually visited a friend who arrived in town from another state (though I still asked for an outdoor visit with masks). I might just make those eye doctor and dermatologist appointments I've been putting off for months.

After a year that's been traumatic for the entire world, it's nice to have just a little peace of mind. And there's added relief that my frontline worker husband was able to get both doses of the vaccine as well, thus doubly protecting our son. Hubby didn't even get a single side effect after the second shot--other than a sore arm--though that made him worry about whether or not he got the right dose! (It turns out both doses are the same).

The relief is important as I venture back to in person work again. Though still only two days a week, it's certainly been different going back to another building and seeing colleagues face-to-face again. In some ways it's a nice change, especially knowing I'm going back vaccinated now (though I still bring my own soap for the bathroom). In some ways it feels like I never left the last time. Our school still has few people on campus. Our building is pretty quiet. Occasionally we get questions about where vaccines are located since our campus offers vaccinations in another building. But I know the crowds will start to pick up soon with our governor's "road to recovery" plan to slowly reopen the state more and more. Businesses can now operate at 35% capacity instead of 25%, and will eventually get back to 50% and then 100% (with masks and social distancing still in place). By then we will hopefully have even less to worry about. Cases are already going down. You can feel the easing of tension in the air.

And as cool winter breezes turn to sunny spring days, I think this is what we all are needing.

Last weekend my husband's family--now vaccinated as well--offered to watch our son while we went on a date. There's still not a lot of places we can go or feel comfortable going, but we ordered takeout BBQ and had a little romantic picnic in our living room. Then I got my haircut for the first time in over a year. I felt lighter in more ways than one.

Before and after photos on February 21, 2021.
My last haircut before then was January 11, 2020!

Closing the Chapter

Today marks the one year anniversary that this pandemic began for me. March 17, 2020 was my last "normal" day. My last day working...