Friday, June 5, 2020

Tired, Nervous, Happy

After those baby steps on May 16, Baby started officially walking on May 27, travelling from chair to couch and more without holding onto anything! While he still thinks crawling is faster and more stable, he's spent the past few days practicing his walking around the room more often, an adorable little jerky sidestep that makes him look like a crab. He's even started standing up on his own instead of needing a piece of furniture or parent to pull himself up on. It's adorable to see him so happy, confident, and proud. It makes the "tired like a mother" feeling and the anxiety of these hard times much easier to deal with.

Summer is a little different than spring was. On Mondays I work and then watch Baby when my husband works his evening shift. Tuesdays my mom stops by in the afternoon to help me while I work. Wednesdays I go to her house to work for the day and get extra help from my dad and brother there. Thursdays and Fridays I'm off because I had vacation days I was going to lose, so I get to spend all day at home with Baby.

Until July when our schedules change again and I start spending some days back at work.

It's been busy this week with summer classes starting where I work. Nonstop meetings and student questions and website updates, which definitely keeps me occupied. But having my son nearby, though challenging at times, breaks up the monotony. I like the schedule of his morning nap, feeding him real food on my noon lunch break, and then an afternoon nap. I like hearing him giggle with my mom upstairs or see him lying at my feet passed out asleep.

I like that he still makes me happy with everything he does.

Since we couldn't do a huge first birthday party for all our family and friends, this week was also busy organizing the pieces I was putting together to make his first birthday (TODAY) extra special: balloons, a photographer, an awesome cake, a virtual party. The planning made me nervous and happy, almost as if I was planning that huge in-person bash. I wanted everything to come together. And despite a few small hiccups (baby woke a little too early, balloons almost arrived too late), we have a content little one-year-old baby AND awesome photos to show for it.

Plus, the day's not over yet! Once he wakes from his morning nap, my son might actually get to play with his presents and then Facebook Live Stream out to family and friends this evening.

Even more good news: as of today, the close family member in the hospital is officially Covid free! It's her 22nd day sedated on a ventilator and she's not out of the woods yet, but this is a positive step in the right direction so she can continue to heal.

The world is still tumultuous, but today I'm going to be happy.

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