Friday, July 31, 2020


I started yesterday's blog post a few days ago and never got the time to finish it until the evening of July 31. But by this week, things have actually already started changing. Don't worry--it's all good!

The first big change is that our loved one was transferred to a rehabilitation facility! That means she's actually recovered from illness but just has to work on re-learning how to walk, speak, feed herself, and similar daily tasks most people take for granted. It will be a long process to get back to who she was before the virus, but she is on a very positive path. Even better, she got to see many of her loved ones in person as they transferred her from her care facility to her rehab facility--they waited outside with masks and cheers as she was wheeled out hospital doors and started her new journey. We are all so thrilled!

The second big change is that I got a new boss at work--after finding out weeks ago that my current boss was moving up in position, our whole staff waited to see who would take her place as supervisor. Now we know, and we're thrilled for this too! It's not easy supervising a large staff remotely during a pandemic, so I absolutely admire her for taking on this role. I know she'll do well and I look forward to seeing what comes out of her leadership.

The third big change as we reach the end of July is that I received an updated return-to-work letter. Instead of going back to my job this month, I'm scheduled to return mid-August (as I was kind of suspecting, though it was never confirmed). We have been told these dates could change at a moment's notice, depending on what happens in our state with the virus. But among all the fear is that small hope that comes with something new, or rather, returning to something familiar. I'm not looking forward to going back to in-person places and risking my family's health. However, it's nice to have some sort of schedule and date in place to prepare for the future. I likely will still get to telecommute most of the week, with only two days of in-person working. Supposedly. We'll see what happens in the coming month, but I'm hopeful that everything will come together. My son is old enough where he can be without me for a few hours if needed--it will be hard since he's growing wonderfully attached to me, but it is doable as I've seen how social he can be with others once he's distracted away from Mommy. I'm definitely going to miss him during the day though. We haven't been apart since March! And I miss him even when I'm working from home and he's in the next room--until he climbs into my lap to take me away from my computer and I can snuggle him once more. He's already figured out how to reach and grab and do so much. Boy he's grown during this quarantine, work-from-home time!

Next month brings the change of another year older for me as well. My first birthday during the pandemic. Not that I was expecting this birthday to be a big celebration before the virus (34 isn't exactly a milestone, I'm not much of a party person, and I do have a baby to take care of). Still, I'm planning a small family day at home to keep my mind off reality and enjoy my special day with the special people I am able to be with. I even bought myself an early birthday present online: a mini espresso maker so I can make my own lattes at home every day before work! A new and easy way to get that coffee fix you know I need.

We'll see what the future brings, but I do know what I'm wishing for when I blow out any birthday candles--an end to coronavirus, and a bright future for my son!

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